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The eviction of millions of Palestinians by force is a human rights issue. |
There is a lot of sentimentality in Pakistan regarding Palestine
but the majority of the nation is unaware of the ground realities and due to
this ignorance strange misunderstandings are also seen in the statements of
sensible and educated people.
Public opinion, like other controversies, is divided. But both
sections generally present an overly simplistic scenario (also called an
over-simplified version of the complex Palestinian issue). The issue is often
portrayed as a religious controversy. Under this scenario, the Jewish Temple of
Solomon was present in Jerusalem, and thus the right of the Jews over Palestine
is more religious than that of the Muslims. Therefore, Muslims should withdraw
from Palestine. The second statement is that this is the issue of the sanctity
and protection of the first Qiblah of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The fact is that the Jews
have an advantage in giving a religious color to this conflict. We will further
discuss the weakness of this position.
Understand for now that forcibly evicting millions of Palestinians
from their homes and forcing them to seek refuge in neighboring countries and
Gaza is in fact a human rights issue and should be viewed in the context of
international law also goes in favor of.
The sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque is certainly an emotional issue for
Muslims, but if this issue is to be highlighted in the world, it must be
presented as a human rights issue, and it must be understood and explained
using global human rights terms.
In the context of international law, there are many facts in the
Palestinian landscape that must be understood by today's reader. One of them is
Israel's apartheid policies. The word apartheid refers to a style of governance
in which government-sponsored racist policies are systematically adopted
(institutionalized) and the two nations or races in the country are treated
separately. This is done to make one nation superior to another. Apartheid is
considered the second biggest crime against humanity after genocide.
The term was first used in South Africa from 1948 to the early
1990s to describe the treatment of the indigenous population under white rule.
In recent times, the word has also been used to describe the Chinese
government's discrimination against Uighur Muslims in China. Under this system,
government policies are superior to other races (black, Uighur, Arab,
Palestinian) as one race (white, Chinese, Israeli Jews), so government policies
are made in support of the superior race and The second generation is
discriminated against with regular planning. This discrimination continues to
weaken the second generation and deprives them of basic rights and means of
The Urdu translation of apartheid is racial bigotry, but since it
is a technical term in international law, we will use the original term.
Israel's style of governing has been based on racial prejudice against
Palestinian Arabs living within its borders since 1948, and the world is now
raising its voice.
In April 2021, Human Rights Watch, a leading human rights
organization, stated in its 213-page report that Israel was pursuing
"apartheid" laws and policies against the Palestinians. The report
called the measures crimes against humanity. Human Rights Watch also called on
the International Criminal Court (ICC) to "investigate and prosecute"
those involved in apartheid and war crimes. A few weeks before the report, the
ICC announced an investigation into the war crimes of both Israel and Hamas.
The Palestinian Authority welcomed the demand, but Israel rejected the
investigation as anti-Semitic and anti-Semitic.
In 1948, just months after the UN resolution on the partition of
Palestine, Israel occupied 78 percent of Palestine. Seven and a half million
Palestinians were forced to flee Jordan, Lebanon and Syria under a formal plan.
They were evacuated and all return routes were blocked. Their homes were looted
and demolished. Not only that, their fruit trees were cut down and trees were
planted there which could not provide any kind of food. A fence was erected
around the village and it was declared a close military zone. Where an intruder
can be shot immediately. This was done so that even if a
Palestinian refugee from Lebanon and Jordan managed to return, they would not
be able to return to their village to rebuild their homes and their trees and
crops would not be able to provide them with food to survive. Israel denies
Palestinians the right to return under international law.
Another aspect of this issue is the Arab Palestinians living within
the borders of Israel, whose number has dropped to 1.5 million since the
establishment of Israel in 1948. Today, they make up 20 percent of Israel's
population. In recent days, the Zionist citizens of Israel have been doing to
them what is happening to the Muslims of India. Yes, many incidents of lynching
of Arab Palestinians have taken place in different cities of Israel. But in the
wake of the recent controversy, His Excellency Lynch is not getting the global
coverage he deserves.
Twenty percent of Israel's population is Palestinian, except for
those living under siege in the West Bank and Gaza, the Palestinian Authority.
It should also be noted that the final control over the Palestinian Authority
also belongs to Israel, because despite recognizing them as a separate state,
the state of Israel controls their land, air, and sea routes. Thus, in
practice, these Palestinians are living in an openair concentration camp. It is
not even free for its tax collection. They cannot pay
the salaries of their government employees without the consent of Israel. The
electricity and water of these citizens are under the control of Israel. Israel
refuses to pay them whenever it wants. Because the people of Gaza have chosen
Hamas, which Israel calls a terrorist because of its resistance, Israel has
tightened its blockade on the West Bank.
On the other hand, most Palestinians living in Israeli territory
are living in Israeli cities in 1948. They are apparently Israeli citizens.
They also have the right to vote and an Israeli passport. But they are also
facing apartheid policies over the past year. They have been under various
restrictions since 1948.
Pro-Palestinian authors in the West have written several books to
expose Israel's crimes. According to Jonathan Cook, a well-known British
journalist based in Nazareth who has written three books on the "Palestine
One Issue", these Palestinians were not allowed to leave their territory
without permission after the establishment of Israel. They need a government
permit to work in another area. This is a very small example but such
restrictions directly affect your right to work and livelihood. But the most
disgusting aspect of these apartheid policies is the constant evacuation of
Palestinians from their homes and villages to settle in ghettos or settle Jews
in their homes.
Following the victory in the 1967 war and the occupation of 100
percent of Palestine, Israel established ghettos between East Jerusalem and the
West Bank as part of a formal plan to continuously divide the Palestinians. For
the past 54 years, the Palestinian population has been divided. In addition to
separating East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, countless Zionist
settlements were established in the West Bank itself. In this way, the Palestinian population was constantly cut off from
each other and turned into ghettos and they were not allowed to be
self-sufficient for their own needs. Palestinians sometimes go from one village
to another through Israeli checkpoints to get to schools, health centers and
hospitals, a form of apartheid policy. Palestinian villages are separated by
roads, which are occupied by Israel.
The world recognized the establishment of Israel, but Israel's
occupation of the remaining 22 percent of Palestine in 1967 is illegal under
international law. All the territories that have been digested since the war
and all the settlements that have been built since then are illegal under the
international community and international law.
When the Oslo peace talks began in 1993, the world and Yasser
Arafat's leadership believed that Israel was serious about establishing a
Palestinian state in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and 22 percent of Gaza. But
the construction of ghettos accelerated in the 1990s. Negotiations were ongoing
and the number of settlements in the rest of Palestine was continuing, leading
to Palestine losing more land.
In 2000, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered the Palestinians
to accept 80 percent of the 22 percent of the territory and to abandon the idea
of establishing ghettos in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. The offer was
made to Yasser Arafat at Camp David. At the same time, instead of Jerusalem, a
nearby village was offered to be the capital of the Palestinian Authority and
the village was named Al-Quds. Obviously, Yasser Arafat could not accept this
wonderful offer.
The United States and Israel have blamed Yasser Arafat for the
failure of the talks. An Israeli politician said, "Palestinians do not
miss any opportunity." Some of our intellectuals repeat that the
Palestinians themselves are not serious about peace with Israel.
But Israel's greed for land was not over. In 2002, iron walls were
built in the West Bank and Gaza to effectively encircle the Palestinians in
just 42 percent of that 80 percent. That is, the Palestinians now have, in
practice, only 22 percent of the 100 percent of Palestinian land, 80 percent of
the land.
Thus, the two areas were separated from the Israeli population,
which added to the problems of these populations. Later, Israel removed its
illegal settlements from the Gaza Strip (28 kilometers long and 6 kilometers
wide and home to a population of about two million), but Zionist settlements
continued in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Are And as a result of this process,
Israel's control over the 22% share that Palestine had before 1967 is growing
What our intellectuals fail to understand is that Israel is
unwilling to give the Palestinian Authority the authority of a free and
independent state. Israel controls the air, sea and land routes of the rest of
the land. Palestinians cannot go, come or trade on their own. They are not even
allowed to fish in their full range.
According to experts, this was done to prevent any future
Palestinian state from being established. Our naive brothers think that
Israel's conflict is only with Hamas. If Hamas refrains from its actions,
"Israel is serious about establishing a Palestinian state."
The settlement of these ghettos is also brutalized. The family
members are informed a few days in advance to vacate their house otherwise the
government will not be responsible for any loss of life or property. Many will
remember the story of American peace activist Rachel Corey who stood in front
of a bulldozer to prevent the demolition of houses and eventually died in a
bulldozer. This incident shows how ruthless and inflexible the policies of the
Israeli government are. What would have happened to the
Palestinians when the bulldozer could not stop the protest of an American girl?
Imagine that you are informed that the government will send a bulldozer to
demolish your house one day. You are responsible for your family, children,
property and future housing. Now you are free to pack your belongings and
children and go anywhere outside the borders of Israel. Well-off Palestinians
can afford a rented house, but in many ghettos they are not rented out despite
a court ruling.
The recent conflict, which has now turned into a full-blown war,
also began with unarmed civilians protesting at the Al-Aqsa Mosque after the
eviction of Palestinians from their homes in the village of Sheikh Jarrah in
East Jerusalem. ۔ After which Israel tried
to crush the protest by force through a police operation in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
In Pakistan, the complex issue of Palestine is portrayed as a
religious conflict that is the common sanctuary of the three religions. Before
the Al-Aqsa Mosque, there was the Jewish Temple of Solomon, the religious sites
of the Israelites and the Christians, and thus the right of the Jews over
Palestine is more religious than that of the Muslims. Therefore, Muslims should
give up Palestine. On the other hand, Muslims are told that this is the issue
of sanctity and protection of the first Qiblah of Al-Aqsa Mosque. The fact is
that the Jews have an advantage in giving a religious color to this conflict.
Who has the first right over Palestine?
The historical fact is that according to archeology and world
history, the Canaanites lived here before the Israelites. These Canaanites
adopted the religion of Israel. According to Ori Avenri, a well-known Israeli
journalist, peace activist and former soldier of the Israeli Defense Forces
against the Palestinians in 1948, according to the research of Israel's own
researchers, the population of Palestine has not changed since ancient times.
In his article 'Whose Acre', Onri writes that according to the research of the
second president of Israel, Yitzhak bin Zayvi, the population of the land of
Palestine did not change from the earliest times of history until the
establishment of Zionist settlements in the late nineteenth century ۔
The Canaanite population merged with the Israelites (later
descendants of Jacob) and became Jews. They became Christians after the spread
of Christianity in the Roman Empire. After the Muslim conquest of the Farooqi
era, the majority of the population converted to Islam and adopted the Arab
culture and language. According to Yuri Onri, the Arabic-speaking Jews,
Christians and Muslims who settled here before the mass migration of Ashkenazi
Jews from Europe were in fact the real inheritors of the land.
The majority of Zionist Jews fighting for the establishment of
Israel have secular ideologies, which consider religion to be a private matter
separate from the state. That is why there is a gay parade every year in
Jerusalem, which religious Jews strongly oppose. In addition, there is severe
discrimination against Arab Jews in Israel. Israeli journalist and researcher
Shushana Madmoni has also written a book on the subject. There is a detailed
feature on the state of Israel's treatment of Arab Jews.
One aspect of this is that history bears witness, and Arab
Palestinians themselves say that Muslims, Christians and Jews lived together in
Palestine before the Balfour Declaration. Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews
have always been in reasonable numbers in Palestine, and there have never been
riots between them and Palestinian Muslims. Before the establishment of Jewish
settlements in Europe, more than 90 percent of them were Muslims.
Those who believe that the Jews have a right to Palestine, because
their ancestors lived here two thousand years ago and the Israelites are called
the heirs of Palestine in religious books, should answer the question whether
the cities of Pakistan The people of Lahore would like a few lakhs of Hindus to
come from India and claim that their forefathers were the inheritors of this
land two thousand years ago, so now its inhabitants from this area have to give
up in favor of Hindus. Should?
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