10 Smart Tips to Help You Lose Weight

10 Smart Tips to Help You Lose Weight

1.The approximate daily rate of kilocalories at which you will not gain weight can be determined by this formula Divide your weight in kilograms by 0.45 and multiply by 14. Weight in kg: 0.45 X 14

If you want to lose weight as well as remain in shape, repeat the equation, substituting the desired weight for the actual weight. You will lose your weight if you stick to this undervalued number - slowly but steadily.

2. Sprinkle cinnamon on porridge, yogurt, coffee and any other food that combines this spice.It will speed up your metabolism, and only half a teaspoon a day will help you lose a pound in a month.

3. If you eat at the office, do not dine at your desk. People who sit in front of a laptop or TV screen eat an extra 250 calories per day, according to studies.

4. Laugh often. A weekly calorie intake of 280 kcal is increased by 10-15 minutes of laughter per day.

5. Carrot juice aids weight loss by 1.8 kg in 1.5-2 months due to its high fibre and low calorie content. Per day, one glass (200 ml) is consumed.

6. Take calcium tablets. This trace mineral helps to break down fats and improves the efficiency of the process by 2.6 percent.

7. Listen to rhythmic music while exercising or even walking on foot - this will motivate you to be physically active and will help you exercise for longer.

8. Incorporate lean red meat into your diet. Protein-rich foods aid muscle growth, and muscle tissue burns much more calories than fat tissue even when it is at rest.

9. Take your friends to the fitness club. According to studies, people who participate in sports with a group of friends lose 30 percent more weight than single athletes.

10. Eat more bitter red pepper and less salt. A low-salt diet can aid in the removal of excess fluid, and pepper contains the substance capsaicin, which increases metabolism by 25%.

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