Thefts on Facebook and other social media platforms


Theft is not just about money or possessions. Deprivation of property to the owner is called theft. Picking up someone's writing, column, photo or any other kind of content on social media and putting it somewhere else without the real owner's name or with your own name is nothing but theft.

Whenever you take away any kind of creative material from its original owner, it will be termed as plagiarism.

There are usually two ways to do this on Facebook.

In the first type, which is filthier and uglier, the thief attributes the relevant content to his name and posts it from his account. I don't know where such people get the courage to be so immoral. But not only are they doing all this with great boldness, but they are also gladly accepting the words of praise found on such material. If someone catches them stealing, they make a lot of frivolous arguments but do not dare to admit their mistake.

In the second category, there are those who, due to their careful behavior, keep their side while committing such thefts. These people do not write their name with such material but erase the name of the original creator very neatly. Even when copying a text of five thousand words, they are only bitten by the last three words in which the author's name is mentioned. Therefore, they consider it obligatory to erase the word by copying the rest of the text. Thus, most of his friends consider him the creator of relevant content. However, if someone catches them stealing, they immediately argue that

"I didn't write my name with it."

By posting such material without the real owner's name, they want to reassure themselves (or people who know the truth) that I did not attribute it to my name, but that They also don't like to answer why the name of the original creator has been deleted.

While posting without a name, they also know that most people will consider this post as a part of their creativity.

Because if the name of the author is not written while posting any article etc., then it is considered to be attributed to the person who posted it.

Give as many arguments as you like, but every such move will be considered very vile and immoral.

This is why you should not write your name at the bottom of your post, but if you put someone else's poem, post, photo or any other material on your wall, your account, then the name of the original creator below it. Must write

If the name of the author or the original owner of the material is not known, then "Unknown" should be written along with it and if any of the friends gives the name of the original owner, then the post must be edited and this name must be included in the post.

It has also been observed that under the stolen text, the transcript is written in the form of so that no one can understand without considering that it is a copied text.

It has also been observed that some people write the name of the creator in the comment instead of the post. Very few people see the comment, so most people don't see it, and the poster clears the potential objection in advance. Even though he himself knows that this is also dishonesty and theft.

Theft is no small matter and when the time comes, every such theft will definitely have to be accounted for. Therefore, one should not make the mistake of underestimating any such move.

Make sure that writing the name of the original owner with any post or photo will not diminish your respect, it will not reduce the space for your post. On the contrary, by writing your name, every sensible person will appreciate your honesty and this definition will be the real praise.

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