Importance of Education and Pakistan

The Importance of Education and Pakistan

Human history has taught us that the attainment of freedom and civilization is possible only through education. The other way leads us back to the beast and the jungle.

In today's modern and developed age, if any country and nation are to move forward, it is sure that their journey of development cannot continue without acquiring knowledge and promoting knowledge. The main reason for this is that in every country where education is not satisfactory, the pace of development automatically begins to slow down. Therefore, it wouldn't be incorrect to say that education and research are in vogue today. Science and technology are the keys.

If we look at the early period of life on this planet, we will not notice much difference in the way of life of human beings and animals. With the passage of time, we see all kinds of evolution in human beings, while other creatures seem to live more or less the same degree. A man came out of the forests, built settlements, settled cities. Mankind formed the social, societal, and economic structure of today's world, in which we are breathing. If we compare the life of human beings and animals under our sky today, we do not see any competition. A man was the noblest of creatures even at the time of his creation, but in the present age, he clearly did not, but the most important reason for this human development is education. The main difference between human beings and animals is that in animals, every soul learns from its own life, and with the end of its life it .He takes all his experiences and knowledge with him from this mortal world, while man has been passing on his knowledge and experiences to his next generation for thousands, millions of years. The child of a human being born today is born with the knowledge of the entire human history. In other words, the knowledge that other human beings have acquired till date is within the reach of the child born today.

The educational situation on this land was deteriorating. The responsibility for this unfortunate situation lies largely and legitimately with the British Crown, which has been illegally occupying India and present-day Pakistan for at least a decade. When we got independence from the British rules, the literacy rate in the Indian subcontinent was 12%. This criminal negligence deserves less condemnation than the British colonial system. One of the good things that happened after Pakistan was formed was that people paid special attention to educating their children, with the result that today we have reached 60% literacy rate. Personally, I am very happy to see that in Pakistan. Today, whether one is rich or poor, urban or rural, they are adorning their children with all the ornaments of education.

Some responsibility is also placed on the present government in this regard, but it is sad to say that the education sector may not be one of the priorities of our rulers. Otherwise, how is it possible in this age when everything is expensive? The budget of the Higher Education Commission is on the rise. The abolition of scholarships and the abolition of special admission quotas for gifted students cannot in any way lead to an boost in the literacy rate in Pakistan. It is true that the global spread of the Krona epidemic has affected economies around the world, but civilized countries have tried to solve these economic problems in a more creative way. The largest university in Japan is the University of Tokyo. When the Corona epidemic led to a downturn in the economy, the University of Tokyo and other universities decided to scrap some concessions and withdraw concessions, easing economic rules. Universities now issue their "bonds." Taking advantage of this, the University of Tokyo has issued university bonds worth Rs 30 billion. The purpose is to advance the research and educational projects of the university. It is heartening to hear that the university intends to issue university bonds of Rs. The money increse will be used to improve educational facilities. More scholarships will be given to gifted students. Online educational programs will be launched keeping in view the requirements of modern times.

The aim of this discussion is not to compare Tokyo and Osaka University with Punjab University or Karachi University, but to examine the possibilities. They are also looking for alternatives. Unlike our current government, it does not allow students to go astray by canceling their scholarships. They want to exalt their children with the wealth of knowledge so that they do not wander in the darkness of ignorance. The state has the same relationship with its citizens as parents have with their children.

Human history has taught us that the attainment of freedom and civilization is possible only through education. The other way leads us back to the beast and the jungle.

There is a lot of skill and competition in science. Considering the importance and necessity of education has been recognized since ancient times. If we look at the views and opinions of educators and scholars from five centuries BC to the present day, we can see that the purpose of education is in fact to improve the human mind, improve morals and human values. To give the right direction to the social attitudes and to make the individual and the society healthy by cultivating the knowledge of the human mind, as well as to train the newest generation in such a way that they are a good not only for themselves but also for the country. And be useful citizens.

Given the political, economic and social situation in Pakistan, students also have a heavy responsibility to use all educational institutions, universities, schools and colleges only for acquiring knowledge and not for extra-curricular activities. Put your future at stake by participating in political activities and mischief. However, such negative behavior of students and the use of weapons in educational institutions not only tarnishes the sanctity of educational institutions but also wastes time, which is not only valuable but also a source of livelihood for students during education. 

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